Tuesday 1 May 2012

Find the meanings of the following words.

WALT- Write informative, interesting sentences. 

Caucasian= to describe people from Asia, Europe, north Africa and India.

Complexion=  The natural color of the skin, or appearance.

Absence= Not Present.
Sovereigns= Money, Gold coins.

Resistant= you can handle something.

Corrosion= something starts to rust.

  1. Peanut butter man walked past in his paled white skin.  
  2. Beastly Beasts complexion was just terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Mr Taines absence from was a celebration!!!
  4. Me and Marshmallow man fond some Sovereingns.
  5. I can resist Hayzes full speed tackle.
  6. My door nob started to corrode the other day.    

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