Monday 28 May 2012

Muesum Trip!!!

Gallery 1 - I learned that Taohaa means treasure. It was cool finding out that the carving was made in 1836.
Gallery 2 - There was a big whaka made out of glass.
Gallery 3 -                  

Sunday 27 May 2012


Yesterday it was awesome because i hit the biggest jump in the red woods.

Monday 21 May 2012

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Chapter 21

I think he will get out of it because the good guys always win!!!

Chapter 20

The fond DIAMONDS!!!

No because she is associated with the gang. 

Monday 14 May 2012

Chapter 19

WALT- Edit and proof read our writing.

The reason they went to the museum was because wanted to give them the sovereigns.

It might be made out of gold.


Thursday 10 May 2012

Chapter 17

1. Cecil Hilton is the Gawks name. 
2. He lives in filthy galvanized garage. 
3. Gawk gave back 9 gold coins. 
4. YES- I would be worried because the 9 gold coins belong to Skulla and he doesn't want Jackson to get in anymore trouble.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 16

WALT-Find the meaning of words.

Console- small device eg-X- box

Briefly- not in much detail.

Bombarded- hit with everything they have.

Edition- one of many things.

Pendant- large diamond. 

1k Run

3.42 mins

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 15

WALT- Justify answers using information from the text.

Hone got angry because he couldn't believe that the boys hadn't told him earlier.

What I think will happen is Skulla is going to talk to Hone and get very angry and hes gona have a syke at every one.    

Sunday 6 May 2012

Cry of The Taniwha Chapter 13

WALT-Justify answers using information from text.
  1.    The way Matt feels about Juzza is sorry he wants to help him.
  2.    Gawk is the person who was perving.
  3.    Perving on some people in the bush. 

Thursday 3 May 2012

Who are the folloing people

WALT- Write informative, interesting sentences.

Louise Miller is Marry Bashams mother and is in the locket photo.

Edward Basham is Marry Bashams husband and was accused for robbery. He was the only one who knows the way to open it up.  

Mary Basham is Edward Bashams wife and she enjoy looking at stars.

Scott Murray is the leader of the of the gang WXK and nicknamed Skulla.


Wednesday 2 May 2012


First quarter we were winning 10-2 with out any of Hayzes help. Finaly in the second quarter Hayze came and we started ripping them up. We ended up winning 30-8. 

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Find the meanings of the following words.

WALT- Write informative, interesting sentences. 

Caucasian= to describe people from Asia, Europe, north Africa and India.

Complexion=  The natural color of the skin, or appearance.

Absence= Not Present.
Sovereigns= Money, Gold coins.

Resistant= you can handle something.

Corrosion= something starts to rust.

  1. Peanut butter man walked past in his paled white skin.  
  2. Beastly Beasts complexion was just terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Mr Taines absence from was a celebration!!!
  4. Me and Marshmallow man fond some Sovereingns.
  5. I can resist Hayzes full speed tackle.
  6. My door nob started to corrode the other day.    

Troy Brosnan

Troy Brosnan Wins his second under twenty three title.