Monday 30 April 2012


Who rescues people after a typhoon.
Why do they happen.
When do they happen.
What happens to the animals.
Where do they usually a cure.
How do people survive.


Some mean guitars i want for like $90000000000000000000000000000000000 Hehe

Gang Members of WXK

Scott Murry= Skulla used to be a great rugby league player and hone says he could have been in the NRL. He is the leader of the gang WXK.

Corry Collins= Has a mow hawk and has loads of tattoos. Nickname Croak.

Dennis Williams= Diz is a little syco and nearly beat a boy to death in a game of rugby league. Hone thinks he has anger management.

What Hapend at the Hardware store

Juzza and Mat needed some loppers. Juzza said he had a cuzzy at the hard ware store. So Juzza went into the hardware and came out with some loppers underneath his shirt. Mat would not let him steel them so Mat took them back in and payed for them.

Weather today

its raining its poring the old man is snoring.

Thursday 26 April 2012

my life

hey im john. i love mountain biking and guitar. play for marst st Michails rugby club. play basket ball for mokoia intermediate. thats basicly my life!!!!